Start Moving To Get Smarter: Help Children Learn By Using Their Bodies


Screen Shot 2015-06-30 at 5.10.41 PMMovement is essential for human development and starts even before birth. From birth to age six, children constantly learn through movement. Each new experience creates neural pathways that grow and are strengthened by further movement. In this webinar, presented by the Early Learning Book Chats community, Dr. Miriam Feinberg shared her recommendations for including movement in every curriculum area. Educators learned how to:

  • provide preschoolers with numerous sensory-motor experiences (emphasizing visual-motor activities, including those integrating visual information with fine-motor and gross-motor movements);
  • integrate gross-motor activities into the curriculum (including coordination of movements, postural control and locomotion) combine music with movement;
  • provide many learning opportunities while enhancing the auditory system, developing a sense of rhythm, and eliciting communication within a social environment;
  • offer directed outdoor movement activities (equally important as non-directed outdoor playing); and
  • incorporate opportunities for social awareness and self-expression by encouraging freedom of expression within a wide range of abilities.

Dr. Feinberg introduced the “Move to Learn” curriculum that incorporates movement into all learning, including language and literacy, mathematics, science, social studies, creative representation, and social skills. While teachers might be aware of the importance of movement in students’ development, they do not always recognize opportunities to present such activities in the classroom and outside, and in every curriculum area.

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Early Learning Book Chats is a free professional learning community (PLC) that helps educators and caregivers find the tools that they need to bring the joy of learning to young children. The community hosts online discussions that make it easy for educators to stay connected over time with fellow teachers to share ideas, tips and resources. Join our experts for a monthly napinar – early learning PD while your young students sleep! This program is sponsored by Gryphon House.

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