Problem Solving and Operations: Multiplication and Division


Screen Shot 2014-03-11 at 5.01.53 PMedWeb’s Common Core State Standards in Math community hosted a webinar this month that demonstrated how to link multiplication and division problems with the requirements of the Common Core State Standards.  The Common Core State Standards in Mathematics describe eighteen different varieties of math problems which can be solved by multiplication and/or division.  In a typical textbook, only a handful of these problem varieties are addressed.  Presenter, Dr. Sara Delano Moore, Director of Mathematics and Science at ETA hand2mind, spoke about the developmental progression of these problem types and showed how they illuminate the relationship between multiplication and division.  In addition, she spoke about how students who understand these problem types will be better problem solvers, as they can make deeper connections between the situation and the mathematics.  Webinar attendees gained a wealth of information regarding the rich opportunities these problem varieties present.

Join the Implementing Common Core Standards in Math community on and take a quiz to receive a CE Certificate for viewing this webinar.  Past webinars and quizzes are located in the Resource Library.

Implementing Common Core Standards in Math is a professional learning community (PLC) that provides a platform, advice and support regarding the new roll out in our national math curriculum. Some of the topics to be discussed in this community include: suggested frameworks/time lines, formative/summative assessments, engaging lessons, manipulatives, content standards, mathematical practices, family involvement, technology, and differentiation.  This program is sponsored by ETA hand2mind.

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