Lessons on Sacrifice and Selflessness


Screen Shot 2014-05-28 at 1.25.54 PMIn this webinar, Noel Wall from the Medal of Honor Foundation took a closer look at the CDP curriculum.  She shared examples of lesson plans highlighting sacrifice and selflessness.  She reviewed a lesson plan on a Medal of Honor Recipient from Vietnam and one on a Citizen Hero Awardee, a local hometown American hero, recognized for her selfless service by the Medal of Honor Recipients themselves.  She discussed in-depth these two lesson plans that use primary source material and content rich non-fiction, plus a brief video of a Medal of Honor Recipient.  The Medal of Honor Character Development Program (CDP) is a free resource for teachers that includes over 50 lesson plans and 100 video vignettes on the character traits of courage, integrity, sacrifice, commitment, citizenship, and patriotism, based on the Medal of Honor Recipients’ stories.

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Lessons of Personal Bravery and Self-Sacrifice is a professional learning community, hosted by the Congressional Medal of Honor Foundation that highlights a free character education program that includes lesson plans, video vignettes, webinars and primary source documents for secondary school teachers to use in the classroom as examples of courage, integrity, and good citizenship.  The program is built on the premise that all people have within them the capacity for extraordinary bravery and selfless service.

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